All You Need to Know About Ore Mining


The earth's crust contains various types of minerals and mineral compounds including gold, silver, aluminium oxide, iron oxide and so forth. The increased functions of these compounds make them extremely important for our day-to-day activities.


Nonetheless, since these minerals are found mixed with other elements, it is necessary to separate them in order to get a pure mineral that can be put into use. This brings forth the definition of metal ore, which is a rock containing a metal or a metal compound in large quantities making it economical for extraction.


Ore has to be concentrated before the metal containing the mineral is extracted and purified. However, the use of any ore may change with time depending on its availability and ease of extraction. Therefore, a metal may be extracted for use even if it considered too expensive to extract.


You have to pass a metal oxide through a couple of processes before you extract the metal from it. The method used in the separation process usually varies depending on the reactivity of the metal. For instance, aluminium and other reactive metals can be extracted using electrolysis process. Other less reactive metals may be extracted using carbon or carbon monoxide.


The exporting reactivity chart comes in handy when deciding which extraction method to use. Other minerals like gold do not require a chemical process to extract. Gold falls under a group or elements called native metals. However, to extract gold you have to remove the other minerals mixed with it using chemical processes. The two main methods used to extract metals are usually oxidation and reduction. Depending on the nature of the metal, either of the two methods can be used.


Strip method is perhaps the most common method using when mining. This method is ideal since it allows extraction of numerous minerals without affecting the stability of the tunnel walls. With strip mining, you need to make the walls two blocks thick, which will make it easier for you to search through the gravel with adequate speed. More importantly, ensure you have the right tools for the job. Read for news concerning scrap metals.


Different minerals are found in varying depths. In that case, you need to have a device that indicates whether you are getting close to your preferred metal. Ensure that the tunnels are safe before you start mining. Bring along the right gear to protect yourself from injuries. Always mark your paths as you go deeper into the tunnels to help you remember your way out of the strontium sulfate shafts.